Level Builder update: Change gravity

The strength of gravity can now be changed, to create yet more types of levels.

Inside the “Configure Level” dialog, a new section called “Environment” has been added:

Button to open dialog
Configure level screen, with gravity indicated

The value 1 is the default setting for gravity. Setting it to a smaller value will reduce gravity, and a greater value will increase it.

Find documentation for the “Configure Level” dialog here.

Level Builder update: Faster stone launchers and platforms

Some objects had properties that were hidden, and set to default values. This update exposes some of these properties and lets you change them.

To access them select just one object in select mode and click the “Object” button.


A screen will appear that lets you change, for example, the acceleration (which affects the speed) of a moving platform:

Screen to change acceleration for a moving platform

Find all the available properties here.